The information on these pages is designed to give you an overview of the law on certain consumer law subjects. It is not intended to be legal advice. If you have a problem concerning one of these issues, you should contact an attorney for help tailored to your particular situation.

Free Legal Answers– Answer a few questions to see if you qualify to use this service, ask your question about a civil legal issue, get an answer from a lawyer in your e-mail

Lafayette Bar Association– Find a lawyer to hire, get a legal form, or find a free legal seminar in the Lafayette area

Law Help– Get free legal help and information on most civil legal problems

Legal Services Corporation– Find law firms anywhere in the United States which offer free legal assistance for low-income individuals

Louisiana 2-1-1– Find your local number to connect with a wide variety of community and governmental services

Louisiana Bar Foundation– Find out about the largest funder of civil legal services in Louisiana

Louisiana Clerks of Court– Get contact information for your local clerk of court

Louisiana Court Rules– Read the rules for your local state court

Louisiana Laws– Find the full text of the laws of Louisiana

Louisiana Public Housing Authorities– Locate the provider of public housing in your area

Louisiana State Bar Association– Locate any attorney licensed in Louisiana

Shreveport Bar Foundation– Access a legal library or find a free legal clinic the Shreveport area

Southwest Louisiana Bar Foundation– Access a legal library or find a free legal clinic the Lake Charles area

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