Am I eligible?

If you are under 60 years of age, and do not have a domestic violence issue, or fall under a special grant, as a general rule, our financial eligibility is based on the federal poverty levels, and ALSC may require proof of income prior to delivering legal assistance. ALSC provides legal assistance to eligible clients depending upon the requirements of specific grants.

If you are a Louisiana resident living in our service area, and your income is at or below 125%, in some cases 200%, of the current poverty guidelines, you may financially qualify for free civil legal aid. If you are a Louisiana resident who is 60 years old or older, regardless of income or assets, you may be qualified for free civil legal aid. Call us at 1-866-ASK-ALSC, (1-866-275-2572) or apply online to submit an application at your convenience. Intake appointments may also be scheduled.


Filling out an online application does not make you a client of any legal aid program in Louisiana and does not create an attorney-client relationship. This application is just the first step to see if we can help you with your case. Your personal financial information will not be shared with the program until they determine there is not a “conflict of interest” in taking your case.

Sources of Income

According to LSC regulations, 45 CFR § 1611.2(i), all sources of income are to be used in determining eligibility, with a few exceptions. These exceptions include SNAP benefits, housing vouchers, food or rent in lieu of wages, tax refunds, funds withdrawn from a bank account, gifts, compensation and/or one-time insurance payments for injuries sustained, any other non-cash benefit, and/or up to $2,000 per year of funds received by individual Native Americans that is derived from Indian trust income, or other distributions exempt by statute.

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