Hailey Barnett, Disaster Unit Managing Attorney, spoke to individuals interested in knowing their rights on wills and successions especially during “blue sky,” or non-disaster, times. Barnett recommends taking the time to learn and understand Louisiana’s laws regarding wills and successions during blue sky times to prepare in case of emergencies and making estate plan preparations during those blue-sky times as well. ALSC and the Ollie Burns Library will often host legal presentations open to the public who are interested in receiving the most up to date information on a variety of civil legal issues. Ollie Burns Memorial Library will be one of the stops of ALSC’s upcoming Justice Bus mobile tour, bringing legal services to you.
If you are interested in learning more about wills and successions or other civil matters, please visit our website for resources and event information. If you would like to book a legal presentation or legal clinic, please email outreach@la-law.org.
(Video Trimmed for ALSC viewing. Original video sourced from KNOE8 News Monroe LA – https://www.vuit.com/publishers/294/knoe/vod#vod:23124784)