Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) is a federal nutrition program that Congress authorized in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through P-EBT, eligible Louisiana families can receive up to $285 per child to buy food. This money is loaded onto an Electronic Benefits Transfer card that can be used at EBT retailers, such as grocery stores and farmer’s markets.

  • Families can receive P-EBT benefits even if they continue to pick up meals from their child’s school or another community site.
  • P-EBT does not replace or affect eligibility for other nutrition programs. It is not SNAP, WIC or Disaster SNAP. If families are receiving these benefits, they can also use P-EBT.
  • Using P-EBT does not impact a parent, guardian or a child’s immigration status. Pandemic-EBT is not limited by immigration status. The public charge rule does NOT apply to P-EBT benefits.
  • To receive P-EBT benefits, eligible families MUST apply online at by 5pm on September 29.

For additional information about P-EBT benefits, eligibility and FAQs, visit the Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services’ website:

Children who already received P-EBT benefits after the initial application window (May 18 – June 15, 2020) will not receive additional benefits if they apply again.

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